Midcoast Community Chorus:

Frequently Asked Questions, Fall 2024

Question: When Should I Come to Rehearsal?

Answer: Rehearsal begins on Mondays at 6:30 pm sharp.  This means you should be in your seat and ready to begin at 6:30 pm. The rehearsal space will be open starting at 5:30 pm, so if you need extra time to get ready once you arrive, please allow yourself that time and arrive earlier. If being late is unavoidable, please enter and find your seat quickly and quietly before beginning to sing.

Question: Is Attendance at Every Rehearsal Required?

Answer: Attendance is taken at every rehearsal and regular attendance is expected. Rehearsal schedules are handed out at the beginning of the season and even though our concert date seems a long way off, we have much to accomplish. However, we know that every person has a complicated life, so every chorus member is allowed up to three absences from regular weekly rehearsals. Attendance at dress rehearsal is required if you wish to perform in the concert.  Chorus members who miss more than three rehearsals are allowed to continue that season with the permission of the Artistic Directors. If you need to miss more than three rehearsals for work or family reasons,  please communicate with Operations Manager Anna Jones at info@mccsings.org to discuss.

Question: What Should I Bring to Rehearsal?

Answer: For every rehearsal you should bring your music, a pencil to take notes, a bottle of water, your name tag so fellow singers can learn your name, and whatever else you need to be comfortable. Please note that non-water liquids and snack foods are prohibited in the sanctuary.

Question: What About Rehearsal Cancellations?

Answer: We will only cancel a rehearsal in the event of  hazardous conditions. If a rehearsal is canceled, you should receive an email message by 3:00 PM on the day of rehearsal.

Question: Where are the Bathrooms?

Answer: There are bathrooms located once you enter through the back door into the Fellowship Room into the hallway on your left. There will be no formal bathroom break, although we usually do take a break halfway through rehearsal. When the need arises, please leave and return quietly.

Question: What Can I Do With the Sheet Music that’s in my Folder?  

Answer: If you selected the option to purchase your sheet music at the beginning of the semester, you can do whatever you wish to with that music within the bounds of the law. Otherwise, please remember that the music has been loaned to you; it belongs to the chorus. This music is yours to study and to use during our rehearsals and performances, but after that point you will need to return your music to be placed in our music library. The only alteration you should make to the sheet music is to make light pencil marks to help you remember the Artistic Director’s instructions.  Please do not fold,  punch holes, or use tape or staples on your music. You may use removable highlighter tape or post-it notes to add notes to the music if needed, but you must remove this material before returning the music. If you lose your music, please see Music Librarian Lois Lyman to purchase a replacement copy. Unless you paid extra to purchase the music, you must return your music after the concert is complete, preferably with all notes erased and all tape removed.

Question: What Should I Do When it’s Not My Turn to Sing?

Answer:. There will be times when your section may need to refrain from singing when other parts are being initially learned. During these times, the Artistic Director may welcome you to softly sing your own part. Please be actively engaged throughout the rehearsal process and follow the Director.

Question: How About Talking During Rehearsal?

Answer: Please refrain from talking during rehearsal.  It is OK to consult with a fellow singer or section leader with a question about the music.  When you have a larger question that concerns the entire chorus during rehearsal, please raise your hand and the Artistic Director will call on you when the time is appropriate. If you have other suggestions or questions, we want to hear them, but we cannot field questions and ideas from everyone in the limited time we have together in rehearsal.  See the last question in this FAQ for more information on bigger questions!

Question: What is the Chorus Policy Regarding Visitors?

Answer: We encourage all members to recruit new singers.  However, visitors and prospective new members should contact Operations Manager Anna Jones at info@mccsings.org before coming to rehearsals.  An exception to this recommendation is in the first four weeks of every chorus rehearsal season, when we invite all community members to visit the chorus and try us out.

Question: When is the Best Time to Speak with the Artistic Director?

Answer: Before rehearsals, the Artistic Director needs time to prepare.  During our mid-rehearsal break, the Artistic Director also needs a break.  These are not the best times to speak with the Artistic Director.  After rehearsals, or at events that occur outside of rehearsal time, the Artistic Director would love to hear from you with ideas, comments, and questions.  

Question: Will Members of my Section be Able to Rehearse All Together?

Answer: Yes! These are called section rehearsals or “sectionals” for short. We will hold rehearsals for each section as needed. They will occur during our normal rehearsal time. There will also be additional optional workshops to provide more learning opportunities throughout the season.

Question: Where do I get a Black Leather  Binder Folder for the Concert?

Answer: MCC will lend professional quality black choral binders to all choristers free of charge the week before the concert. Each binder is numbered and checked out to you and must be returned in good shape immediately following the concert. Do not use any tape or labels on the binders or mark them in any way! Please take good care of them, we need them to last for many years.

Question: How do I Keep up to Date with Music Changes and New Information?

Answer: Always check the sign-in table! Attendance sheets, along with volunteer opportunities, additional music materials, and other information  will be on the table in the fellowship area of the church located between the entrance next to the parking lot and the sanctuary where we rehearse.  Please check in at this table for new information and new music before every week’s rehearsal!

Question: I Have More Questions.  Who Should I Ask?

Answer: If you have a question that isn’t addressed here, please be in touch! Musical questions should be addressed to your section leader, who will be announced in the first few weeks of rehearsal.  Send organizational questions to Operations Manager Anna Jones at info@mccsings.org.  Send policy questions to Board Chair James Cook at jmcook@gmail.com.  You can also check the member portal mccsings.org/members the password is: sing  (all lowercase).

Question: What else can I do to support the Midcoast Community Chorus?

Answer: There is lots you can do! Recruit new singers, make an additional donation, join the board or a committee, serve as a section leader, volunteer to help with one of our many fundraising opportunities, sell ads for our concert program, hang posters, sell and buy concert tickets, and spread the word on social media -but most importantly, have fun and share your voice!

With your help, we will have a fun and inspiring time singing together this season. Thank you!